cOVID Community Conversation
Hosted by ForWARD Church AME and East Orange AME
6822 Arabella St, Houston, TX 77091
Gift cards will be given with proof of vaccine/ booster! *While supplies last*

Community Conversations: COVID Awareness for a Safe and Healthy Community
Hosted by St. Andrew's United Methodist Church in collaboration with Calvary UMC, EastOrange AME, ForWARD AME and Green Meadows Missionary Baptist Church.
Do you have questions about Covid-19?
Are you curious about Long Covid?
Have you thought about what it means for your family if you get sick?
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87434649762?pwd=ZGVkd2VQTk0zRldJVTZKdXNMc2pFQT09
Meeting ID: 874 3464 9762
Passcode: 230986
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,87434649762#,,,,*230986# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 874 3464 9762
Passcode: 230986
Aug 20 11AM-1PM Vaccine Clinic
ForWARD Church AME and East Orange AME
6822 Arabella St, Houston, TX 77091
Webinar: Coverage Matters: Understanding and Connecting Community Members to Affordable Health Insurance
Linda Blumberg of the Urban Institute and Karen Pollitz of the Kaiser Family Foundation will discuss financial assistance to reduce household costs associated with health insurance and the avenues available to get enrolled in low-cost or free coverage.
Please use the following link to register and attend this event:

Grace Community Center Vaccine Event
Offering 1st/2nd/3rd Doses/Booster/Flu Shots
**There will also be COVID Testing courtesy of Lifetouch Community Service Group. **
Date: Saturday, February 26th, 2022
Time: 9am-12 Noon
Grace Community Center
3130 Barberry Dr.
Houston, TX 77051
Hosting Organization:
Impact Kingdom Center,
Bishop Designate Dexter Utley
Point of Contact: Serena Valentine

FaithHealth Vaccine Cohort
Join Houston's FaithHealth Vaccine Initiative, which brings diverse faith leaders together to learn about vaccines, engage in open dialogue, share experiences, and take action.

FaithHealth Vaccine Cohort
Join Houston's FaithHealth Vaccine Initiative, which brings diverse faith leaders together to learn about vaccines, engage in open dialogue, share experiences, and take action.

FaithHealth Vaccine Cohort
Join Houston's FaithHealth Vaccine Initiative, which brings diverse faith leaders together to learn about vaccines, engage in open dialogue, share experiences, and take action.

FaithHealth Vaccine Cohort
Join Houston's FaithHealth Vaccine Initiative, which brings diverse faith leaders together to learn about vaccines, engage in open dialogue, share experiences, and take action.

FaithHealth Vaccine Cohort
Join Houston's FaithHealth Vaccine Initiative, which brings diverse faith leaders together to learn about vaccines, engage in open dialogue, share experiences, and take action.

FaithHealth Vaccine Cohort
Join Houston's FaithHealth Vaccine Initiative, which brings diverse faith leaders together to learn about vaccines, engage in open dialogue, share experiences, and take action.

FaithHealth Vaccine Cohort
Join Houston's FaithHealth Vaccine Initiative, which brings diverse faith leaders together to learn about vaccines, engage in open dialogue, share experiences, and take action.

FaithHealth Vaccine Initiative Launch
Join fellow faith leaders as we launch Houston's FaithHealth Vaccine Initiative. Our mission is to reduce vaccine inequity by providing people of faith access to evidence-based resources that help them make confident health decisions.
learn how to join our upcoming FaithHealth cohorts
make a difference in your faith community share your insights and questions
meet other faith leaders who are passionate about faith and health
Thursday, October 28th, 2021, Online via Zoom 6:00pm-7:00pm CT
Registration will be required